6 Tîrmeh 2024
8 month ago
South Korean military says it has secured 'unidentified individuals' from North Korea in waters off Sokcho - Yonhap
The Russian Foreign Minister met in Pyongyang with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, and denounced the "dangerous" US policy towards the Asian country, a nuclear power
The Russian Foreign Minister arrives in North Korea on an official visit
The USAF B-52 (Callsign HULK) has landed in South Korea for the first time at the Cheongju International Airport8 month ago
The USAF B-52 (Callsign HULK) has landed in South Korea for the first time at the Cheongju International Airport
8 month ago
South Korea, U.S., Japan install trilateral communication hotline amid North Korea, China challenges
Agahiyên Amerîka niha hene ku Koreya Bakur ji bo bikaranîna li Ukraynayê çek radestî Rûsyayê kiriye. Di hefteyên dawî de, Koreya Bakur ji Koşka Spî John Kirby zêdetirî 1,000 konteynerên alavên leşkerî û cebilxane dane Rûsyayê.
Amerîka dibêje Koreya Bakur 300 konteynerên keştiyê tijî cebilxane bi rêya hesin şandin Rûsyayê. Li gorî Dewletên Yekbûyî, konteynir ji Najin, DPRK berbi Dunay, Rusya di navbera 7-ê Îlonê û 1-ê Cotmehê de çûn.
9 month ago
South Korea Joint Chiefs of Staff "Prepare for the possibility of a surprise attack by North Korea using Hamas-style tactics"
North Korea news agency says 'important report' is imminent
9 month ago
Nuclear-powered USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier to enter Busan on Thursday
Karbidestekî Amerîkî ji CBS News re ragihand, Koreya Bakur dest bi veguhestina topan bo Rûsyayê kiriye, û hêzên Putin bihêz dike di dema ku ew 20 meh in êrişa Ukraynayê didomînin.9 month ago
Karbidestekî Amerîkî ji CBS News re ragihand, Koreya Bakur dest bi veguhestina topan bo Rûsyayê kiriye, û hêzên Putin bihêz dike di dema ku ew 20 meh in êrişa Ukraynayê didomînin.
North Korea slams IAEA's adoption of resolution on Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program
9 month ago
Army Pvt. Travis King is in US custody after being released from North Korea, a US official tells @Kevinliptakcnn. King crossed the demarcation line into North Korea roughly two months ago
North Korea says it has decided to expel U.S. soldier Travis King for illegally entering the country, state media reports
Iran says frozen funds transferred from South Korea to Qatar
Guterres stresses the need to adhere to international sanctions on North Korea after Putin and Kim's meeting
9 month ago
Kremlîn: Rûsya dê hevkariya xwe bi Koreya Bakur re di warên cuda de xurt bike
Putin and Kim Jong-un met at the Vostochny Cosmodrome9 month ago
Putin and Kim Jong-un met at the Vostochny Cosmodrome
9 month ago
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un arrived at the Vostochny Cosmodrome to meet with Putin.
9 month ago
North Korea fires unspecified ballistic missile toward East Sea: South Korean military
Kim Jong Un hat Rûsyayê
Koşka Spî daxwaz ji Koreya Bakur dike ku çekan nede Rûsyayê
9 month ago
Kremlînê got, rêberê Koreya Bakur Kim Jong-un dê di rojên pêş de li ser vexwendina Putin serdana Rûsyayê bike.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's special train appears to have departed for Russia: gov't official
North Korea launch new missile submarine10 month ago
North Korea launch new missile submarine
10 month ago
Yoon says worsening of North Korea nuclear problem will only strengthen South Korea-U.S.-Japan cooperation: official
10 month ago
Yoon calls on China to play responsible role on North Korea issue: official
10 month ago
Yoon says attempts at defense cooperation with North Korea must be immediately stopped
Koreya Bakur dê berdêla wê bide eger çekan bide Rûsyayê: NSA Sullivan
Russian defense minister proposed holding joint naval exercise in recent meeting with North Korean leader: South Korean spy agency