Serokê Komîteya Îstîxbaratê ya Meclisa Nûneran: "Leşkerên Koreya Bakur an ji axa Rûsyayê êrîşî Ukraynayê bikin an jî bikevin nav axa Ukraynayê, divê ji bo Dewletên Yekbûyî yên Amerîkayê û NATOyê bibe xeta sor."
2 week ago Dîmenên ku nû ji Qada Perwerdehiyê ya Sergievskî ya Rûsyayê hatine bidestxistin, nîşan dide ku leşkerên Koreya Bakur ji bo şandina li Ukraynayê bi alavên rûsî hatine bicîh kirin.
Karbidestên Seul: Yekemîn kontingjena 1,500 leşkerên Koreya Bakur ji bo Vladivostok seferber bûn
Koreya Bakur 12,000 leşkeran dişîne, ku di nav wan de hêzên taybet hene, ji bo piştgirîya Rûsyayê di şerê wê yê li dijî Ukraynayê de. Li gor daxuyaniya Servîsa Îstixbarata Neteweyî ya Koreya Başûr (NIS), Koreya Bakur biryar da ku 4 lîwayan bişîne Ukraynayê û dest bi şandinê kir.
Yoonê Koreya Başûr bi karbidestên ewlekariya netewî re hevdîtinek pêk tîne, şandina leşkerên Koreya Bakur ji bo Rûsyayê 'tehdîda ewlehiyê ya giran' dinirxîne - Ofîsa Serokatiyê
NK leader calls South Korea 'foreign country,' 'hostile country,' warns of using physical force
2 week ago This picture by Yonhap shows open North Korean coastal artillery gun gates adjacent to Yeonpyeong Island. The number of personnel identified in some artillery positions has increased along with high-ranking military officials, says SK military personnel
Due to unusual military movements from the North Koreans, South Korean forces on Yeonpyeong Island have been placed on alert. There has also been a sudden withdrawal of Chinese fishing boats from the waters near the island
North Korea constitution 'clearly' defines South Korea as 'hostile' state: KCNA
South Korea, U.S., Japan condemn North Korea for 'deliberate acts of creating tensions'
North Korean hackers use newly discovered Linux malware to raid ATMs
Koreya Başûr ji nêz ve çavdêriya îhtimala şandina leşkerên Koreya Bakur ji bo şerê Ukraynayê dike
North Korea says 1.4 million apply to join army amid tensions with South
South Korea voices regret over Russia siding with North Korea in drone row
South Korea 'strongly' condemns North Korea's detonation of northern side of inter-Korean roads as 'very abnormal' act
2 week ago South Korean military releases new video of North Korea blowing up 2 road / railways that used to connect the Koreas
North Korea blows up part of northern side of inter-Korean roads: JCS
The Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un chaired a Significant Meeting earlier today with Senior Military, Intelligence, and Security Officials to discuss the recent Violation of the Airspace over Pyongyang by South Korean Drones; with him said to have Approved a plan for “Immediate Military Action” in Response to the Incident.
2 week ago Pûtîn pêşnûmeya erêkirina Peymana Hevkariya Stratejîk a Berfereh a di navbera Rûsya û Koreya Bakur de pêşkêşî Dûmaya Dewletê kir. Belge di 19ê Hezîranê de, di serdana wî ya Pyongyangê de hatibû îmzekirin.
2 week ago Serokê Ukraynayê: Bi şandina mirovan re Koreya Bakur di rastiyê de beşdarî şerê li dijî Ukraynayê dibe
North Korea appears to be preparing for explosions on roads connected to South Korea: JCS
North Korea has placed its artillery units at the DMZ at full readiness (Yonhap)
South Korea Defense ministry warns North Korea will see end of its government if it harms South Koreans
North Korea is claiming that Drones launched from South Korea have Violated the Airspace over their Capital of Pyongyang at least three times over the last week, while dropping Anti-North Korean Leaflets
North Korea says South Korea sent unmanned drones over Pyongyang
KCNA: Rêberê Koreya Bakur dibêje ku ew ê ji bo xurtkirina hevkariya di navbera welatê xwe û Rûsyayê de bixebite
North Korea launches some 120 trash balloons toward South Korea: JCS
North Korea sends more trash balloons toward South Korea: JCS
North Korea launches over 300 trash balloons toward South Korea: JCS
North Korea's Kim warns of nuclear weapon use in response to attack: KCNA