6 Tîrmeh 2024
3 month ago
South Korea, U.S. agree to form consultative body to address North Korea's oil smuggling
3 month ago
North Korea launches apparent ballistic missile, Japan Defense Ministry says
3 month ago
South Korea Defense chief calls for capabilities to 'swiftly eliminate' North Korea leadership in event of war
3 month ago
Sîxurê gumanbarê Koreya Başûr ji aliyê rayedarên Rûsyayê ve hat girtin
Generalê Amerîkî: Hevkariya di navbera Koreya Bakur, Rûsya, Çîn û Îranê de îhtîmala 'nakokîyên hevdem' zêde dike
4 month ago
Wezîrê Parastinê yê Koreya Başûr ragihand ku Koreya Bakur 6 hezar û 700 konteynerên cebilxaneyê şandine Rûsyayê. Di konteyniran de dibe ku zêdetirî 3 mîlyon topên 152 mm, an jî 500,000 guleyên 122 mm hilgirin. Di berdêla vê de, Koreya Bakur nêzî 9,000 konteynir wergirtine ku bi piranî pêdiviyên xwarinê tê de hene, ku wî got ku ev yek bûye alîkar ku bihayên li wir aram bibin. Ukrayna berê çend cebilxaneyên Koreya Bakur li meydana şer nas kirin, lê got ku piraniya wan nerast in.
YE di paketa nû ya cezayên salvegera şerê Ukraynayê de fîrmayên Çînî, Koreya Bakur dike hedef
North Korean leader: My country will eliminate its enemies if they use force against it
Rûsyayê îro li dijî Xarkovê moşeka Hvason 11GA(KN-23) ya Koreya Bakur bikar anî5 month ago
Rûsyayê îro li dijî Xarkovê moşeka Hvason 11GA(KN-23) ya Koreya Bakur bikar anî
U.S. stresses close trilateral coordination with South Korea, Japan over 'destabilizing' North Korea actions
5 month ago
The South Korean Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian Ambassador and protested to him regarding the position of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the situation on the Korean Peninsula
5 month ago
North Korea tested firing cruise missiles on Feb 2 - KCNA
5 month ago
An American F-16 fighter jet crashed off the west coast of South Korea. According to sources, the pilot ejected from the plane and was not injured. The plane crashed into the sea near Kunsan air base in Jeonbuk Province at around 08:40 local time (23:40 GMT)
5 month ago
South Korea says North Korea fired several cruise missiles
Kim Jong Un: nuclear weaponization of navy key to building state nuclear strategic force
5 month ago
North Korea fires several cruise missiles from its east coast: JCS
North Korea's foreign minister meets visiting Chinese vice FM: state media
U.S. officials warn of North Korea 'lethal' military action against South Korea in coming months: NYT
5 month ago
U.S. stresses security commitment to South Korea after claimed North Korea underwater nuclear weapon system test
Wezareta Parastinê ya ROK'ê ragihand ku 600 mm MRL ji Rûsyayê re hatine firotin5 month ago
Wezareta Parastinê ya ROK'ê ragihand ku 600 mm MRL ji Rûsyayê re hatine firotin
5 month ago
Putin met with the heads of the Russian and DPRK Foreign Ministries following their talks in Moscow
5 month ago
No casualties in a collision between two Cathay Pacific and South Korean Air planes in Tokyo
5 month ago
Kremlîn: Rûsya dixwaze di hemû waran de bi Koreya Bakur re hevkariyê pêş bixe
5 month ago
Kremlîn: Koreya Bakur şirîkê Rûsyayê ye û peywendiyên me yên hevbeş berdewam pêşde diçin
5 month ago
North Korea missile flew about 1,000 km before landing in East Sea: South Korean military
5 month ago
The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed the official visit of the head of the DPRK Foreign Ministry on January 15-17.
5 month ago
South Korean military identifies North Korea ballistic missile as intermediate-range class
DYE ji ber hinartina çekan a bi Koreya Bakur re 3 saziyên Rûs, 1 kes ceza kir
5 month ago
AFP: A 2.4 magnitude earthquake near a North Korean nuclear testing site
Waşîngton: Binpêkirina biryarên NY ji aliyê Rûsyayê ve bi xwedîkirina çekên Koreya Bakur, "şermezar e"