6 Tîrmeh 2024
U.S. officials warn of North Korea 'lethal' military action against South Korea in coming months: NYT
5 month ago
U.S. stresses security commitment to South Korea after claimed North Korea underwater nuclear weapon system test
Wezareta Parastinê ya ROK'ê ragihand ku 600 mm MRL ji Rûsyayê re hatine firotin5 month ago
Wezareta Parastinê ya ROK'ê ragihand ku 600 mm MRL ji Rûsyayê re hatine firotin
5 month ago
Putin met with the heads of the Russian and DPRK Foreign Ministries following their talks in Moscow
5 month ago
No casualties in a collision between two Cathay Pacific and South Korean Air planes in Tokyo
5 month ago
Kremlîn: Rûsya dixwaze di hemû waran de bi Koreya Bakur re hevkariyê pêş bixe
5 month ago
Kremlîn: Koreya Bakur şirîkê Rûsyayê ye û peywendiyên me yên hevbeş berdewam pêşde diçin
5 month ago
North Korea missile flew about 1,000 km before landing in East Sea: South Korean military
5 month ago
The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed the official visit of the head of the DPRK Foreign Ministry on January 15-17.
5 month ago
South Korean military identifies North Korea ballistic missile as intermediate-range class
DYE ji ber hinartina çekan a bi Koreya Bakur re 3 saziyên Rûs, 1 kes ceza kir
5 month ago
AFP: A 2.4 magnitude earthquake near a North Korean nuclear testing site
Waşîngton: Binpêkirina biryarên NY ji aliyê Rûsyayê ve bi xwedîkirina çekên Koreya Bakur, "şermezar e"
Daxuyaniya hevpar a Wezîrên Karên Derve yên Albanya, Andorra, Arjantîn, Awûstralya, Avusturya, Belçîka, Bulgaristan, Kanada, Xirwatya, Qibris, Komara Çek, Danîmarka, Estonya, Fînlandiya, Fransa, Gurcistan, Almanya, Yewnanîstan, Guatemala, Îzlanda., Îrlanda, Îsraîl, Îtalya, Japonya, Letonya, Lîchtenstein, Lîtvanya, Luksemburg, Malta, Moldova, Monako, Montenegro, Hollanda, Zelanda Nû, Makedonya Bakur, Norwêc, Palau, Polonya, Portekîz, Komara Koreya, Romanya, San Marîno, Slovenya, Spanya, Swêd, Ukrayna, Îngilîstan, Nûnerê Bilind ê Yekîtiya Ewropayê û Wezîrê Karên Derve yê Dewletên Yekbûyî yên Amerîkayê: Em Komara Demokratîk a Gel a Koreyê (DPRK) bi tundî şermezar dikin. hinardekirin û kirîna mûşekên balîstîk ji aliyê Rûsyayê ve û herwiha bikaranîna van mûşekan ji aliyê Rûsyayê ve li dijî Ukraynayê di 30ê Kanûna Pêşîn a 2023an û 2ê Çileya Paşîn a 2024an de. û rejîma cîhanî ya nehiştina çekan têk dide
North Korea leader calls South Korea 'principal enemy', says he has 'no intention of avoiding war'
Rûsiya zêdetir mûşekên balîstîk ên Koreya Bakur avêtin Ukraynayê piştî avêtina berê: Qesra Spî
Top South Korean, NATO military officials hold phone talks ahead of major NATO gathering
Pentagon calls North Korean shelling of South Korea "concerning" "We're going to continue to stay in close consultation with our Republic of Korea allies, as well as our other allies in the region.to work to to ensure that there is no escalation" per @PentagonPresSec
SpectralBlur, a new macOS backdoor first characterized by researchers this week, appears connected to North Korean malware that targeted blockchain engineers last year
6 month ago
South Korea stages live fire drills on border island, Yonhap reports
6 month ago
South Korea orders residents on second island, Baengnyeongdo, to seek shelter amid concern about North Korean provocations
6 month ago
South Korea to carry out live fire drills in response to North Korean artillery near Yeonpyeong Island - Yonhap
6 month ago
North Korea fires some 200 artillery shells off its west coast: South Korean military
6 month ago
South Korean official says that while the evacuation of Yeonpyeong Island was due to a North Korean "maritime strike", it "was not North Korean artillery fire
Roja Pêncşemê, berdevkê Qesra Spî John Kirby nexşeyek eşkere kir ku nîşan dide Rûsya moşekên Koreya Bakur li ku derê avêtine Ukrayna (nêzîkî Zaporizhzhia). Kirby got, "Em pêşbînî dikin ku Rûsya dê mûşekên Koreya Bakur ên din bikar bîne da ku binesaziya sivîl a Ukraynayê bike armanc."
Li gorî du karbidestên Amerîkî yên ku li ser şertê nenaskirinê axivîn, Rûsya dest bi avêtina mûşekên balîstîk bo Ukraynayê kir ku ji hêla Koreya Bakur ve hatine pêşkêş kirin.
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center: tsunami waves 0.3m-1m above tide level possible for some coasts of North Korea, Japan, and Russia6 month ago
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center: tsunami waves 0.3m-1m above tide level possible for some coasts of North Korea, Japan, and Russia
North Korean leader: If America and South Korea choose to confront us militarily, we will respond with a devastating strike
6 month ago
Security advisers of South Korea, Japan, U.S. condemn North Korea ICBM launch as 'flagrant' breach of UNSC resolutions
6 month ago
North Korean missile falls into the Sea of Japan(East Sea) after 70 minutes, believed to be an ICBM