Šéf ruskej zahraničnej rozviedky Naryškin navštívil KĽDR
Russia is shipping oil to North Korea in full defiance of UN sanctions
South Korea, U.S. agree to form consultative body to address North Korea's oil smuggling
North Korea launches apparent ballistic missile, Japan Defense Ministry says
South Korea Defense chief calls for capabilities to 'swiftly eliminate' North Korea leadership in event of war
Ruské úrady zatkli juhokórejského podozrivého zo špionáže
Spolupráca medzi Severnou Kóreou, Ruskom, Čínou a Iránom vyvoláva možnosť „súbežných konfliktov": generál USA
Severná Kórea poslala Rusku 6700 kontajnerov s muníciou, uviedol juhokórejský minister obrany. Kontajnery môžu niesť viac ako 3 milióny 152 mm delostreleckých granátov alebo 500 000 122 mm nábojov. Výmenou za to Severná Kórea dostala približne 9 000 kontajnerov, ktoré väčšinou obsahovali zásoby potravín, čo podľa neho pomohlo stabilizovať tamojšie ceny. Ukrajina už identifikovala niekoľko severokórejských munícií na bojisku, ale uviedla, že väčšina z nich bola nepresná
EÚ sa zameriava na čínske firmy a Severnú Kóreu v rámci nového balíka sankcií na výročie vojny na Ukrajine
North Korean leader: My country will eliminate its enemies if they use force against it
11 Mesiac Pred Rusko dnes proti Charkovu použilo severokórejskú raketu Hvason 11GA(KN-23).
U.S. stresses close trilateral coordination with South Korea, Japan over 'destabilizing' North Korea actions
The South Korean Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian Ambassador and protested to him regarding the position of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the situation on the Korean Peninsula
North Korea tested firing cruise missiles on Feb 2 - KCNA
An American F-16 fighter jet crashed off the west coast of South Korea. According to sources, the pilot ejected from the plane and was not injured. The plane crashed into the sea near Kunsan air base in Jeonbuk Province at around 08:40 local time (23:40 GMT)
South Korea says North Korea fired several cruise missiles
Kim Jong Un: nuclear weaponization of navy key to building state nuclear strategic force
North Korea fires several cruise missiles from its east coast: JCS
North Korea's foreign minister meets visiting Chinese vice FM: state media
U.S. officials warn of North Korea 'lethal' military action against South Korea in coming months: NYT
U.S. stresses security commitment to South Korea after claimed North Korea underwater nuclear weapon system test
11 Mesiac Pred Ministerstvo obrany ROK uviedlo, že 600 mm MRL boli predané do Ruska
Putin met with the heads of the Russian and DPRK Foreign Ministries following their talks in Moscow
No casualties in a collision between two Cathay Pacific and South Korean Air planes in Tokyo
Kremeľ: Rusko má v úmysle rozvíjať partnerstvá so Severnou Kóreou vo všetkých oblastiach
Kremeľ: Severná Kórea je partnerom Ruska a naše spoločné vzťahy sa neustále rozvíjajú
North Korea missile flew about 1,000 km before landing in East Sea: South Korean military
The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed the official visit of the head of the DPRK Foreign Ministry on January 15-17.
South Korean military identifies North Korea ballistic missile as intermediate-range class
USA uvalili sankcie na 3 ruské subjekty, 1 osobu za transfer zbraní so Severnou Kóreou