2 Júla 2024
USA uvalili sankcie na 3 ruské subjekty, 1 osobu za transfer zbraní so Severnou Kóreou
5 Mesiac Pred
AFP: A 2.4 magnitude earthquake near a North Korean nuclear testing site
5 Mesiac Pred
Washington: Ruské porušovanie rezolúcií OSN držbou severokórejských zbraní je „otrasné"
Spoločné vyhlásenie ministrov zahraničných vecí Albánska, Andorry, Argentíny, Austrálie, Rakúska, Belgicka, Bulharska, Kanady, Chorvátska, Cypru, Českej republiky, Dánska, Estónska, Fínska, Francúzska, Gruzínska, Nemecka, Grécka, Guatemaly, Islandu, Írsko, Izrael, Taliansko, Japonsko, Lotyšsko, Lichtenštajnsko, Litva, Luxembursko, Malta, Moldavsko, Monako, Čierna Hora, Holandsko, Nový Zéland, Severné Macedónsko, Nórsko, Palau, Poľsko, Portugalsko, Kórejská republika, Rumunsko, San Marino, Slovinsko, Španielsko, Švédsko, Ukrajina, Spojené kráľovstvo, vysoký predstaviteľ Európskej únie a minister zahraničných vecí Spojených štátov amerických: Čo najdôraznejšie odsudzujeme Kórejskú ľudovodemokratickú republiku (KĽDR) export a ruské obstarávanie balistických rakiet KĽDR, ako aj použitie týchto rakiet Ruskom proti Ukrajine 30. decembra 2023 a 2. januára 2024. Presun týchto zbraní zvyšuje utrpenie ukrajinského ľudu, podporuje ruskú útočnú vojnu, a podkopáva globálny režim nešírenia
North Korea leader calls South Korea 'principal enemy', says he has 'no intention of avoiding war'
Rusko po skorších štartoch vypálilo na Ukrajinu viac severokórejských balistických rakiet: Biely dom
Top South Korean, NATO military officials hold phone talks ahead of major NATO gathering
5 Mesiac Pred
Pentagon calls North Korean shelling of South Korea "concerning" "We're going to continue to stay in close consultation with our Republic of Korea allies, as well as our other allies in the region.to work to to ensure that there is no escalation" per @PentagonPresSec
SpectralBlur, a new macOS backdoor first characterized by researchers this week, appears connected to North Korean malware that targeted blockchain engineers last year
5 Mesiac Pred
South Korea stages live fire drills on border island, Yonhap reports
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South Korea orders residents on second island, Baengnyeongdo, to seek shelter amid concern about North Korean provocations
5 Mesiac Pred
South Korea to carry out live fire drills in response to North Korean artillery near Yeonpyeong Island - Yonhap
5 Mesiac Pred
North Korea fires some 200 artillery shells off its west coast: South Korean military
5 Mesiac Pred
South Korean official says that while the evacuation of Yeonpyeong Island was due to a North Korean "maritime strike", it "was not North Korean artillery fire
Hovorca Bieleho domu John Kirby vo štvrtok predstavil mapu, ktorá ukazuje, kde Rusko odpálilo severokórejské rakety na Ukrajinu (pri Záporoží). "Predpokladáme, že Rusko použije ďalšie severokórejské rakety na zameranie civilnej infraštruktúry Ukrajiny," povedal Kirby
Rusko začalo na Ukrajinu odpaľovať balistické rakety, ktoré poskytla Severná Kórea, podľa dvoch amerických predstaviteľov, ktorí hovorili pod podmienkou anonymity, aby diskutovali o citlivých spravodajských službách USA.
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center: tsunami waves 0.3m-1m above tide level possible for some coasts of North Korea, Japan, and Russia6 Mesiac Pred
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center: tsunami waves 0.3m-1m above tide level possible for some coasts of North Korea, Japan, and Russia
North Korean leader: If America and South Korea choose to confront us militarily, we will respond with a devastating strike
6 Mesiac Pred
Security advisers of South Korea, Japan, U.S. condemn North Korea ICBM launch as 'flagrant' breach of UNSC resolutions
6 Mesiac Pred
North Korean missile falls into the Sea of Japan(East Sea) after 70 minutes, believed to be an ICBM
6 Mesiac Pred
North Korean missile flew about 570 km before landing in East Sea: South Korean military
6 Mesiac Pred
North Korea fires ballistic missile toward East Sea, South Korean military says
The White House: Any nuclear attack launched by North Korea on America or its allies will lead to the end of the Kim regime
6 Mesiac Pred
South Korea deploys fighters after Chinese and Russian military aircraft approached its air defense range
6 Mesiac Pred
Russia and China conducted air patrols over the Sea of Japan(East Sea) and the East China Sea, - the Russian Ministry of Defense reported. The air group included Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers and Hun-6K strategic bombers. Fighter air cover was provided by Su-35S aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces and Su-30/Jian-11B aircraft of the Chinese Air Force.
6 Mesiac Pred
U.S. F-16 fighter jet crashes in Yellow Sea; pilot rescued: sources
N. Korea says it will immediately restore all military measures suspended under 2018 inter-Korean military accord
7 Mesiac Pred
North Korea ballistic missile likely failed: Yonhap. North Korea launched ballistic missile on nov. 22: Yonhap
7 Mesiac Pred
The US Space Force has cataloged an object in orbit that is consistent with the successful launch of the North Korean spy sat from Sohae at 1343 UTC yesterday. Looks like third time lucky for the Cheonlima-1 rocket
7 Mesiac Pred
North Korea claims it has successfully placed its first spy satellite in orbit, after two earlier attempts failed. S.Korea and Japan did not immediately verify whether the launch had succeeded. Seoul had said Russia may be providing technical assistance for this launch