10 Studeni 2024
Senate defense policy bill calls for USFK troops maintenance, extended deterrence to South Korea
4 mjesec pre
North Korea appears to have released border dam water without prior notice
NATO is 'not expanding' into Indo-Pacific: U.S. official
4 mjesec pre
ROK takes up leadership role in US-led naval exercise with eye on North Korea
Pentagon announces $10 billion, multi-year plan to modernize tactical aircraft based in Japan to "bolster regional deterrence"Includes:-replacing 48 F-15C/Ds at Kadena Air Base with 36 F-15EXs-replacing 36 F-16s at Misawa AB with 48 F-35As
North Korea announces the test of a new ballistic missile carrying a huge warhead
4 mjesec pre
North Korea launches ballistic missile towards the Sea of Japan(East Sea)
North Korea condemns joint military exercise by South Korea, U.S., Japan
North Korean News Agency: Pyongyang will protect regional peace with an "aggressive and overwhelming response"
North Korea condemns the joint exercises between the United States, South Korea and Japan
4 mjesec pre
North Korea again launches suspected trash-carrying balloons toward South Korea: JCS
Russian Foreign Ministry: Washington, which chose confrontation over dialogue, bears full responsibility for the impasse in the settlement process around the Korean Peninsula. As a result, the situation is teetering on a dangerous edge4 mjesec pre
Russian Foreign Ministry: Washington, which chose confrontation over dialogue, bears full responsibility for the impasse in the settlement process around the Korean Peninsula. As a result, the situation is teetering on a dangerous edge
4 mjesec pre
PM says South Korea not at stage to consider nuclear armament 'for now'
4 mjesec pre
North Korea sends trash-carrying balloons for 2nd straight day
"3 theaters-Europe, the MiddleEast & the IndoPacific are increasingly intertwined" @DeputySecState Kurt Campbell tells @CFR_org "PRC, Russia, DPRK & Iran are increasing coordination&security cooperation.There are limits to these partnerships but they cannot be ignored"
4 mjesec pre
Firefighters find around 20 bodies at South Korea battery fire site, reports Yonhap
4 mjesec pre
SAD, Koreja (ROK) i Japan 'najoštrije osuđuju' produbljivanje vojne suradnje između DNRK i Rusije, uključujući nastavak prometa oružja koji produžava patnju ukrajinskog naroda, — Zajednička izjava
4 mjesec pre
Putin: Russia expects its cooperation with North Korea to be a "deterrent factor"
4 mjesec pre
Putin: Ne isključujemo isporuku visokopreciznog oružja Sjevernoj Koreji
Bijela kuća: Sporazum između Sjeverne Koreje i Rusije ne iznenađuje
4 mjesec pre
Južna Koreja kaže da svaka suradnja koja pomaže sjevernokorejskom vojnom izgradnji predstavlja kršenje rezolucija Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a
4 mjesec pre
Južna Koreja će ponovno razmotriti pitanje opskrbe Ukrajine oružjem: predsjednički dužnosnik
4 mjesec pre
South Korea seized a 2,900-ton cargo ship near the Korea Strait on Thursday on suspicion of violating U.N. Security Council (UNSC) sanctions against North Korea, sources said.
4 mjesec pre
South Korea voices regret over Russia-North Korea commitment to military technology cooperation
4 mjesec pre
Russian President Putin arrives in the Vietnamese capital after leaving Pyongyang
Sporazum koji su potpisale Rusija i DNRK predviđa pružanje uzajamne pomoći u slučaju agresije na jednu od strana sporazuma - rekao je Putin
Putin kaže da Rusija ne isključuje vojno-tehničku suradnju sa Sjevernom Korejom
Putin, Kim sign comprehensive strategic partnership agreement
Putin i Kim Jong-un sastali su se u Pjongjangu
"Ako oni (Rusija/Kina/Sjeverna Koreja/Iran) uspiju u Ukrajini, to će nas učiniti ranjivijim, a svijet opasnijim", kaže @jensstltenberg, šef NATO-a. "Dakle, naša potpora Ukrajini nije milosrđe; to je u našem sigurnosnom interesu."