3 Srpanj 2024
2 mjesec pre
South Korea's spy satellite succeeds in communicating with ground station: defense ministry
2 mjesec pre
SpaceX Falcon 9 successfully places South Korea's military spy satellite into orbit: defense ministry
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Early-voting turnout for general elections hits record 31.28 pct
2 mjesec pre
Japanese Prime Minister: Constructive relations between Japan and North Korea are good for both countries and for regional security
Glavni tajnik NATO-a: Razgovarat ćemo o tome kako se nositi s sjevernokorejskom i iranskom vojnom potporom Rusiji
Here another look at this missile HGV3 mjesec pre
Here another look at this missile HGV
Yonhap: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un announces that all missiles will be converted to solid fuel, with controlled warheads and the ability to deliver nuclear weapons.
Image of Hwasong-16B3 mjesec pre
Image of Hwasong-16B
3 mjesec pre
North Korea said it successfully tested a new medium-range hypersonic ballistic missile on Tuesday, Yonhap reported.
3 mjesec pre
North Korea launch involves one IRBM fired from Pyongyang region: JCS
3 mjesec pre
Yoon approves resignation of ambassador to Australia amid controversy over his appointment
North Korean Foreign Minister: We will respond strictly to any Japanese interference in our sovereignty
Šef ruske vanjske obavještajne službe Nariškin posjetio je DNRK
Russia is shipping oil to North Korea in full defiance of UN sanctions
3 mjesec pre
South Korea, U.S. agree to form consultative body to address North Korea's oil smuggling
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North Korea launches apparent ballistic missile, Japan Defense Ministry says
3 mjesec pre
South Korea Defense chief calls for capabilities to 'swiftly eliminate' North Korea leadership in event of war
3 mjesec pre
Ruske vlasti uhitile su južnokorejskog osumnjičenog špijuna
Suradnja Sjeverne Koreje, Rusije, Kine i Irana povećava mogućnost 'istodobnih sukoba': američki general
4 mjesec pre
Sjeverna Koreja poslala je Rusiji 6700 kontejnera streljiva, rekao je ministar obrane Južne Koreje. Kontejneri bi mogli nositi više od 3 milijuna topničkih granata kalibra 152 mm ili 500.000 granata kalibra 122 mm. U zamjenu je Sjeverna Koreja primila oko 9.000 kontejnera koji su uglavnom sadržavali zalihe hrane, što je, kako je rekao, pomoglo stabilizaciji tamošnjih cijena. Ukrajina je već identificirala nekoliko sjevernokorejskog streljiva na bojnom polju, ali je rekla da je većina njih bila netočna
EU cilja na kineske tvrtke, Sjevernu Koreju u novom paketu sankcija za godišnjicu rata u Ukrajini
North Korean leader: My country will eliminate its enemies if they use force against it
Rusi su danas upotrijebili sjevernokorejsku raketu Hvason 11GA(KN-23) protiv Harkova4 mjesec pre
Rusi su danas upotrijebili sjevernokorejsku raketu Hvason 11GA(KN-23) protiv Harkova
U.S. stresses close trilateral coordination with South Korea, Japan over 'destabilizing' North Korea actions
5 mjesec pre
The South Korean Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian Ambassador and protested to him regarding the position of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the situation on the Korean Peninsula
5 mjesec pre
North Korea tested firing cruise missiles on Feb 2 - KCNA
5 mjesec pre
An American F-16 fighter jet crashed off the west coast of South Korea. According to sources, the pilot ejected from the plane and was not injured. The plane crashed into the sea near Kunsan air base in Jeonbuk Province at around 08:40 local time (23:40 GMT)
5 mjesec pre
South Korea says North Korea fired several cruise missiles
Kim Jong Un: nuclear weaponization of navy key to building state nuclear strategic force
5 mjesec pre
North Korea fires several cruise missiles from its east coast: JCS