6 Juillet 2024
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South Korean Army: Our joint maneuvers with the US Army are continuing according to plan
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North Korean missiles flew some 620 km: South Korean military
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North Korea fires 2 short-range ballistic missiles toward East Sea: South Korean military
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North Korea fires unspecified ballistic missile toward East Sea: South Korean military
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The US/SK live military exercise, codename Freedom Shield, is underway & will last for 11days on & around South Korea
North Korea says it test-fired strategic cruise missiles from an underwater submarine, flying around 1,500km and for a duration of around 125 minutes1 année il y a
North Korea says it test-fired "strategic cruise missiles" from an underwater submarine, flying around 1,500km and for a duration of around 125 minutes
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Kim Jong Un lead a meeting of top military officials on deciding measures to respond to upcoming U.S.-ROK joint drills, state media reported Sunday. The Rodong Sinmun accused Washington and Seoul of making "moves to provoke war
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North Korea says it conducted artillery drills on Thursday inspected by leader Kim
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North Korea fires short-range ballistic missile toward Yellow Sea: South Korean military
The nuclear-capable B-52 did exercises Monday with South Korea over the Yellow Sea.   Footage via @ROK_MND:1 année il y a
The nuclear-capable B-52 did exercises Monday with South Korea over the Yellow Sea. Footage via @ROK_MND:
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North Korea says if U.S and ROK continue drills which the country view as as hostile acts it will view it such acts as declaration of war.. although it should be noted both countries are still at war since the Korea war never ended and was only an armistice
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North Korea says it conducted strategic cruise missile launching drill
The US, South Korean, and Japanese navies held a joint missile defense drill in the sea east of the Korean Peninsula today, Seoul and Tokyo announce.  Photos via @ROK_MND1 année il y a
The US, South Korean, and Japanese navies held a joint missile defense drill in the sea east of the Korean Peninsula today, Seoul and Tokyo announce. Photos via @ROK_MND
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Chinese Foreign Ministry: Our position on North Korea's missile tests has not changed
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Chinese Foreign Ministry: We are concerned about North Korea launching ballistic missiles
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South Korea: North Korea's repeated firing of missiles is a serious provocation that undermines international security
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Tokyo: North Korea's launch of new ballistic missiles threatens the safety of Japan and the international community
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North Korea fires 2 short-range ballistic missiles toward East Sea: South Korean military
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North Korea has launched an apparent ballistic missile, Japan Defense Ministry says
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South Korea, U.S. stage joint air drills, involving B-1B bomber, in response to North Korea's ICBM launch
USAF B-1Bs BAKED11 & 12 departed Andersen AFB, Guam heading towards South Korea. Likely a show of force following North Korea's ICBM launch yesterday1 année il y a
USAF B-1Bs BAKED11 & 12 departed Andersen AFB, Guam heading towards South Korea. Likely a show of force following North Korea's ICBM launch yesterday
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North Korea fired one suspected long-range ballistic missile at around 5:22 p.m. from the area of the Pyongyang airport, according to South Korea's JCS. Japan's defense ministry estimated it would land west of Hokkaido around 6:27 p.m. KST
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North Korea has launched at least one unidentified missile, Japan defense ministry says
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"Look at these streets filled with police officers. They could have been in Itaewon on Oct. 29 last year
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A North Korean balloon flew into ROK airspace on Sunday but did not pose a security threat, according to Seoul's defense ministry. The revelation comes after a controversy about a suspected Chinese spy balloon that floated over the U.S. last week. More soon @nknewsorg
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North Korea says U.S. drills threaten to turn region into 'critical war zone'
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Le secrétaire général de l'OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, a exhorté lundi la Corée du Sud à accroître son soutien militaire à l'Ukraine, citant d'autres pays qui ont changé leur politique de ne pas fournir d'armes aux pays en conflit après l'invasion de la Russie.
US: South Korea doesn't need nukes despite North Korea's aggressive nuclear/missile testing "We are committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula" per senior defense official, adding joint US-ROK live fire exercises will resume this year
John Kirby sur les images satellites de la "livraison initiale" d'armes de la Corée du Nord à la Russie
La Maison Blanche a publié des images d'une prétendue cargaison d'armes de la Corée du Nord au groupe russe Wagner