6 Juillet 2024
3 mois il y a
Japanese Prime Minister: Constructive relations between Japan and North Korea are good for both countries and for regional security
Secrétaire général de l'OTAN : nous discuterons de la manière de gérer le soutien militaire nord-coréen et iranien à la Russie
Here another look at this missile HGV3 mois il y a
Here another look at this missile HGV
Yonhap: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un announces that all missiles will be converted to solid fuel, with controlled warheads and the ability to deliver nuclear weapons.
Image of Hwasong-16B3 mois il y a
Image of Hwasong-16B
3 mois il y a
North Korea said it successfully tested a new medium-range hypersonic ballistic missile on Tuesday, Yonhap reported.
3 mois il y a
North Korea launch involves one IRBM fired from Pyongyang region: JCS
3 mois il y a
Yoon approves resignation of ambassador to Australia amid controversy over his appointment
North Korean Foreign Minister: We will respond strictly to any Japanese interference in our sovereignty
Le chef du renseignement extérieur russe Narychkine s'est rendu en RPDC
Russia is shipping oil to North Korea in full defiance of UN sanctions
3 mois il y a
South Korea, U.S. agree to form consultative body to address North Korea's oil smuggling
3 mois il y a
North Korea launches apparent ballistic missile, Japan Defense Ministry says
3 mois il y a
South Korea Defense chief calls for capabilities to 'swiftly eliminate' North Korea leadership in event of war
3 mois il y a
Un espion sud-coréen présumé a été arrêté par les autorités russes
4 mois il y a
La coopération entre la Corée du Nord, la Russie, la Chine et l'Iran soulève la possibilité de conflits simultanés (général américain)
4 mois il y a
La Corée du Nord a envoyé 6.700 conteneurs de munitions à la Russie, a déclaré le ministre sud-coréen de la Défense. Les conteneurs pourraient transporter plus de 3 millions d'obus d'artillerie de 152 mm, soit 500 000 obus de 122 mm. En échange, la Corée du Nord a reçu quelque 9.000 conteneurs contenant pour la plupart des vivres, ce qui, selon lui, a contribué à stabiliser les prix dans ce pays. L'Ukraine a déjà identifié plusieurs munitions nord-coréennes sur le champ de bataille, mais a déclaré que la plupart d'entre elles étaient inexactes.
L'UE cible les entreprises chinoises et la Corée du Nord dans le cadre du nouveau paquet de sanctions pour l'anniversaire de la guerre en Ukraine
North Korean leader: My country will eliminate its enemies if they use force against it
La Russie a utilisé aujourd'hui le missile nord-coréen Hvason 11GA(KN-23) contre Kharkiv5 mois il y a
La Russie a utilisé aujourd'hui le missile nord-coréen Hvason 11GA(KN-23) contre Kharkiv
U.S. stresses close trilateral coordination with South Korea, Japan over 'destabilizing' North Korea actions
5 mois il y a
The South Korean Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian Ambassador and protested to him regarding the position of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the situation on the Korean Peninsula
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North Korea tested firing cruise missiles on Feb 2 - KCNA
5 mois il y a
An American F-16 fighter jet crashed off the west coast of South Korea. According to sources, the pilot ejected from the plane and was not injured. The plane crashed into the sea near Kunsan air base in Jeonbuk Province at around 08:40 local time (23:40 GMT)
5 mois il y a
South Korea says North Korea fired several cruise missiles
Kim Jong Un: nuclear weaponization of navy key to building state nuclear strategic force
5 mois il y a
North Korea fires several cruise missiles from its east coast: JCS
North Korea's foreign minister meets visiting Chinese vice FM: state media
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U.S. officials warn of North Korea 'lethal' military action against South Korea in coming months: NYT
5 mois il y a
U.S. stresses security commitment to South Korea after claimed North Korea underwater nuclear weapon system test