5 Lokakuu 2024
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Army Pvt. Travis King is in US custody after being released from North Korea, a US official tells @Kevinliptakcnn. King crossed the demarcation line into North Korea roughly two months ago
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North Korea says it has decided to expel U.S. soldier Travis King for illegally entering the country, state media reports
Iran says frozen funds transferred from South Korea to Qatar
Guterres stresses the need to adhere to international sanctions on North Korea after Putin and Kim's meeting
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Kreml: Venäjä vahvistaa yhteistyötään Pohjois-Korean kanssa eri aloilla
Putin and Kim Jong-un met at the Vostochny Cosmodrome1 vuosi sitten
Putin and Kim Jong-un met at the Vostochny Cosmodrome
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North Korean leader Kim Jong-un arrived at the Vostochny Cosmodrome to meet with Putin.
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North Korea fires unspecified ballistic missile toward East Sea: South Korean military
Kim Jong-un on saapunut Venäjälle
Valkoinen talo kehottaa Pohjois-Koreaa olemaan toimittamatta aseita Venäjälle
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Pohjois-Korean johtaja Kim Jong-un vierailee lähipäivinä Venäjällä Putinin kutsusta, Kreml sanoi.
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North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's special train appears to have departed for Russia: gov't official
North Korea launch new missile submarine1 vuosi sitten
North Korea launch new missile submarine
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Yoon says worsening of North Korea nuclear problem will only strengthen South Korea-U.S.-Japan cooperation: official
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Yoon calls on China to play responsible role on North Korea issue: official
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Yoon says attempts at defense cooperation with North Korea must be immediately stopped
Pohjois-Korea maksaa hinnan, jos se toimittaa aseita Venäjälle: NSA Sullivan
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Russian defense minister proposed holding joint naval exercise in recent meeting with North Korean leader: South Korean spy agency
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The Kremlin: Russia seeks to develop relations with North Korea
Valkoisen talon mukaan Venäjä on lähettänyt valtuuskuntia Pohjois-Koreaan hankkimaan lisää aseita, pääasiassa tykistöä, Ukrainan sotaa varten. NSC:n spoksi John Kirby sanoo, että Putin ja Kim Jong Un ovat vaihtaneet kirjeitä tästä, mutta kieltäytyi kommentoimasta, miten Yhdysvallat sai tiedon.
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The #DPRK has launched a ballistic missile into the sea, according to the #ROK military. #Korea
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North Korea says 2nd attempt to launch spy satellite fails: state media
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Japan chief cabinet secretary Matsuno: these missile launches are a threat to not just Japan but also regional security. Japan chief cabinet secretary Matsuno: will soon convene national security committee meeting
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Japanese TV warning people in Okinawa to seek shelter after North Korea launches missile
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North Korea appears to have fired missile: Japan govt emergency broadcasting system
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South Korean Prime Minister after "Camp David": We did not discuss the Fukushima reactor drainage crisis, but we hope for data transparency and dealing in accordance with the rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency
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North Korea scrambled jets after US spy aircraft approached - KCNA
The White House: The United States is ready for denuclearization talks with North Korea without preconditions
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Kysymys ei ole siitä, käydäänkö Korean niemimaalla ydinsotaa, vaan kuka sen aloittaa ja milloin, sanoi Pohjois-Korean puolustusministeri Kang Soon Nam Moskovan XI kansainvälisen turvallisuuskonferenssin osallistujille.
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Reuters, quoting a US official: The upcoming summit between Washington, Tokyo and Seoul will adopt a strong tone towards maintaining peace in the Taiwan Strait.