5 Lokakuu 2024
North Korea launch new missile submarine1 vuosi sitten
North Korea launch new missile submarine
1 vuosi sitten
Yoon says worsening of North Korea nuclear problem will only strengthen South Korea-U.S.-Japan cooperation: official
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Yoon calls on China to play responsible role on North Korea issue: official
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Yoon says attempts at defense cooperation with North Korea must be immediately stopped
Pohjois-Korea maksaa hinnan, jos se toimittaa aseita Venäjälle: NSA Sullivan
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Russian defense minister proposed holding joint naval exercise in recent meeting with North Korean leader: South Korean spy agency
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The Kremlin: Russia seeks to develop relations with North Korea
Valkoisen talon mukaan Venäjä on lähettänyt valtuuskuntia Pohjois-Koreaan hankkimaan lisää aseita, pääasiassa tykistöä, Ukrainan sotaa varten. NSC:n spoksi John Kirby sanoo, että Putin ja Kim Jong Un ovat vaihtaneet kirjeitä tästä, mutta kieltäytyi kommentoimasta, miten Yhdysvallat sai tiedon.
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The #DPRK has launched a ballistic missile into the sea, according to the #ROK military. #Korea
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North Korea says 2nd attempt to launch spy satellite fails: state media
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Japan chief cabinet secretary Matsuno: these missile launches are a threat to not just Japan but also regional security. Japan chief cabinet secretary Matsuno: will soon convene national security committee meeting
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Japanese TV warning people in Okinawa to seek shelter after North Korea launches missile
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North Korea appears to have fired missile: Japan govt emergency broadcasting system
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South Korean Prime Minister after "Camp David": We did not discuss the Fukushima reactor drainage crisis, but we hope for data transparency and dealing in accordance with the rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency
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North Korea scrambled jets after US spy aircraft approached - KCNA
The White House: The United States is ready for denuclearization talks with North Korea without preconditions
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Kysymys ei ole siitä, käydäänkö Korean niemimaalla ydinsotaa, vaan kuka sen aloittaa ja milloin, sanoi Pohjois-Korean puolustusministeri Kang Soon Nam Moskovan XI kansainvälisen turvallisuuskonferenssin osallistujille.
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Reuters, quoting a US official: The upcoming summit between Washington, Tokyo and Seoul will adopt a strong tone towards maintaining peace in the Taiwan Strait.
US, South Korea joint exercise UlchiFreedomShield announced - starts August 21. Also taking part: Australia, Canada, France, Britain, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand. Training will ensure the Alliance is ready to defend the Republic of Korea1 vuosi sitten
US, South Korea joint exercise #UlchiFreedomShield announced - starts August 21. Also taking part: Australia, Canada, France, Britain, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand. "Training will ensure the Alliance is ready to defend the Republic of Korea"
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The North Korean leader dismisses the army's top general and calls for preparations for the possibility of war
Ukraina: Ensimmäistä kertaa Pohjois-Korean tuottamia ammuksia havaittiin Venäjän armeijan käsissä. Pohjois-Korean R-122 122 mm:n raketteja alettiin äskettäin luovuttaa venäläisille BM-21 Grad -miehistöille. Kuvien mukaan lähes kaikki rakettien merkinnät desinfioitiin
Useita laukaisurakettijärjestelmiä käyttäneet ukrainalaiset sotilaat sanoivat, että "ystävällinen" maa "takavariko" pohjoiskorealaiset raketit aluksesta ennen kuin ne toimitettiin Ukrainaan. He kieltäytyivät antamasta lisätietoja
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Venäjän puolustusministeri Shoigu vierailee Pohjois-Koreassa
North Korea reportedly launched several cruise missiles at about 04:00 Sat (21:00 UTC Fri). Types unspecified but assume Hwasal-1 and/or Hwasal-2nn1 vuosi sitten
North Korea reportedly launched several cruise missiles at about 04:00 Sat (21:00 UTC Fri). Types unspecified but assume Hwasal-1 and/or Hwasal-2nn
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Etelä-Korean presidentti: Pohjois-Korean ydinvoiman eskaloituminen johtaa sen hallituksen kaatumiseen
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U.S. service member crosses border to North Korea without authorization: Austin
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North Korea fires ballistic missile into East Sea: JCS
Etelä-Korean presidentti vierailee Ukrainassa1 vuosi sitten
Etelä-Korean presidentti vierailee Ukrainassa
1 vuosi sitten
North Korea: we will push for the most overwhelming nuclear deterrence until the US drops hostile policy
North Korea says it tested its Hwasong-18 solid-fuel ICBM again Wednesday, days after Pyongyang threatened to down any US spy planes that enter its airspace1 vuosi sitten
North Korea says it tested its Hwasong-18 solid-fuel ICBM again Wednesday, days after Pyongyang threatened to down any US spy planes that enter its airspace