6 Јули 2024
1 године Пре
North Korea says U.S. drills threaten to turn region into 'critical war zone'
1 године Пре
Генерални секретар НАТО-а Јенс Столтенберг позвао је у понедељак Јужну Кореју да повећа војну подршку Украјини, позивајући се на друге земље које су промениле своју политику недавања оружја земљама у сукобу након руске инвазије
US: South Korea doesn't need nukes despite North Korea's aggressive nuclear/missile testing "We are committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula" per senior defense official, adding joint US-ROK live fire exercises will resume this year
Џон Кирби на сателитским снимцима „почетне испоруке" оружја из Северне Кореје у Русију
Бела кућа је објавила слике наводне испоруке оружја из Северне Кореје руској Вагнер групи
1 године Пре
South Korea may acquire its own nukes if North Korean threats become "more serious," according to President Yoon. Experts are split on these remarks, with some believing that the U.S. is unlikely to respond positively
1 године Пре
Hyundai Mipo Dockyard delivers 2 LPG carriers
1 године Пре
North Korean drone penetrated no-fly zone around South Korea's presidential office: official
No notification from Japan Defense Ministry yet, but Japan Coast Guard appears to say North Korea has launched two missiles, one around 8:06 and another around 8:161 године Пре
No notification from Japan Defense Ministry yet, but Japan Coast Guard appears to say North Korea has launched two missiles, one around 8:06 and another around 8:16
1 године Пре
North Korea has conducted a ballistic missile launch toward its east coast, says @ROK_MND
1 године Пре
South Korea successfully conducts test-flight of solid-fuel space vehicle: defense ministry
1 године Пре
South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol said that any provocation by North Korea must be met with retaliation without hesitation, despite North Korea nuclear weapons (Reuters)
1 године Пре
According to Korean National Fire Agency, 6 people dead, 3 severely injured, 26 slightly injured at 2nd Gyeongin Highway soundproof tunnel in Gwacheon, S.Korea
1 године Пре
South Korean President: Any provocation from North Korea should be met with retaliation
1 године Пре
South Korea's military apologizes for failure to shoot down North Korea's drones
1 године Пре
North Korea convenes key party meeting with leader Kim in attendance: state media
1 године Пре
South Korean military fires around 100 shots to shoot down North Korean drone
1 године Пре
South Korea failed to shoot down north Korean drones -Yonhap
South Korea has scrambled fighter jets and attack helicopters and has fired warning shots after North Korean drones violated its airspace  - North Korean drone flies over capital of Seoul  - A South Korean Ka-1 fighter jet crashed while fighting a North Korean drone1 године Пре
South Korea has scrambled fighter jets and attack helicopters and has fired warning shots after North Korean drones violated its airspace - North Korean drone flies over capital of Seoul - A South Korean Ka-1 fighter jet crashed while fighting a North Korean drone
1 године Пре
Suspected North Korean drones trespass across border with South Korea: Seoul officials
1 године Пре
Suspected North Korean drones trespass across inter-Korean border: South Korean military
1 године Пре
North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles toward the East Sea on Friday, according to the ROK military: -An informed source in Pyongyang told NK News they heard a loud noise -Photos in the capital showed a contrail -Seoul condemned the test
Бела кућа је упозорила да је Северна Кореја испоручила залихе Вагнер групи, руској паравојној снази која је блиско повезана са председником Путином.
1 године Пре
Канада: Трговина оружјем између Вагнер групе и Северне Кореје представља кршење резолуција Савета безбедности
1 године Пре
A fire broke out at 6:24 a.m. in a Seoul subway tunnel on Line No. 3, with smoke suspending train operations between Yaksu Station to Gupabal Station for nearly two hours
1 године Пре
North Korea threatened to take a "resolute and decisive military step" against Japan
1 године Пре
North Korea warns of 'actual action' against Japan's counterstrike capability policy
1 године Пре
North Korean 'medium-range' ballistic missiles flew around 500 km after being launched at steep angles: South Korean military
1 године Пре
North Korea fires 2 ballistic missiles from Tongchang-ri area: South Korean military
1 године Пре
South Korea protests Japan's new security document laying claim to Dokdo