2 Julho 2024
9 mês atrás
Yoon says attempts at defense cooperation with North Korea must be immediately stopped
A Coreia do Norte pagará um preço se fornecer armas à Rússia: NSA Sullivan
10 mês atrás
Russian defense minister proposed holding joint naval exercise in recent meeting with North Korean leader: South Korean spy agency
10 mês atrás
The Kremlin: Russia seeks to develop relations with North Korea
A Casa Branca afirma que a Rússia enviou delegações à Coreia do Norte a fim de obter armamento adicional, principalmente artilharia, para a guerra na Ucrânia. O porta-voz do NSC, John Kirby, diz que Putin e Kim Jong Un trocaram cartas sobre isso, mas se recusou a comentar como os EUA obtiveram a informação
10 mês atrás
The #DPRK has launched a ballistic missile into the sea, according to the #ROK military. #Korea
10 mês atrás
North Korea says 2nd attempt to launch spy satellite fails: state media
10 mês atrás
Japan chief cabinet secretary Matsuno: these missile launches are a threat to not just Japan but also regional security. Japan chief cabinet secretary Matsuno: will soon convene national security committee meeting
10 mês atrás
Japanese TV warning people in Okinawa to seek shelter after North Korea launches missile
10 mês atrás
North Korea appears to have fired missile: Japan govt emergency broadcasting system
10 mês atrás
South Korean Prime Minister after "Camp David": We did not discuss the Fukushima reactor drainage crisis, but we hope for data transparency and dealing in accordance with the rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency
10 mês atrás
North Korea scrambled jets after US spy aircraft approached - KCNA
The White House: The United States is ready for denuclearization talks with North Korea without preconditions
10 mês atrás
A questão não é se haverá uma guerra nuclear na península coreana, mas quem a iniciará e quando, disse o ministro da Defesa norte-coreano, Kang Soon Nam, em um discurso aos participantes da XI Conferência de Moscou sobre Segurança Internacional.
10 mês atrás
Reuters, quoting a US official: The upcoming summit between Washington, Tokyo and Seoul will adopt a strong tone towards maintaining peace in the Taiwan Strait.
US, South Korea joint exercise UlchiFreedomShield announced - starts August 21. Also taking part: Australia, Canada, France, Britain, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand. Training will ensure the Alliance is ready to defend the Republic of Korea10 mês atrás
US, South Korea joint exercise #UlchiFreedomShield announced - starts August 21. Also taking part: Australia, Canada, France, Britain, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand. "Training will ensure the Alliance is ready to defend the Republic of Korea"
10 mês atrás
The North Korean leader dismisses the army's top general and calls for preparations for the possibility of war
Ucrânia: Pela primeira vez, a munição produzida pela RPDC foi flagrada nas mãos dos militares russos - foguetes norte-coreanos R-122 de 122 mm começaram recentemente a ser distribuídos para tripulações russas BM-21 Grad. De acordo com as imagens, quase todas as marcações nos foguetes foram higienizadas
Os soldados ucranianos que operam sistemas de lançamento múltiplo de foguetes disseram que os foguetes norte-coreanos foram "apreendidos" de um navio por um país "amigo" antes de serem entregues à Ucrânia. Eles se recusaram a fornecer mais detalhes
11 mês atrás
O ministro da Defesa da Rússia, Shoigu, está visitando a Coreia do Norte
North Korea reportedly launched several cruise missiles at about 04:00 Sat (21:00 UTC Fri). Types unspecified but assume Hwasal-1 and/or Hwasal-2nn11 mês atrás
North Korea reportedly launched several cruise missiles at about 04:00 Sat (21:00 UTC Fri). Types unspecified but assume Hwasal-1 and/or Hwasal-2nn
11 mês atrás
Presidente sul-coreano: escalada nuclear da Coreia do Norte levará ao fim de seu governo
11 mês atrás
U.S. service member crosses border to North Korea without authorization: Austin
11 mês atrás
North Korea fires ballistic missile into East Sea: JCS
Presidente da Coreia do Sul visita a Ucrânia11 mês atrás
Presidente da Coreia do Sul visita a Ucrânia
11 mês atrás
North Korea: we will push for the most overwhelming nuclear deterrence until the US drops hostile policy
North Korea says it tested its Hwasong-18 solid-fuel ICBM again Wednesday, days after Pyongyang threatened to down any US spy planes that enter its airspace11 mês atrás
North Korea says it tested its Hwasong-18 solid-fuel ICBM again Wednesday, days after Pyongyang threatened to down any US spy planes that enter its airspace
11 mês atrás
Germany MFA: We strongly condemn North Korea‘s illegal ballistic missile launch on 12 July. This constitutes another blatant violation of international law and threatens international peace and security. We call on DPRK to fully comply with its obligations under Security Council resolutions
Meeting with Japanese Prime Minister @kishida230 at the NATOSummit, @NATO Secretary General @jensstoltenberg condemned North Korea’s latest missile test, saying this violates international norms and multiple UN Security Council resolutions
Stoltenberg: Good meetings with NATO's close partners Australia, Japan, New Zealand & South Korea. Security is not regional, it is global — so we are determined to continue deepening our cooperation