19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024
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South Korea summons defense attache in U.S. for probe over alleged 'inappropriate' conduct
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North Korea again sends trash-carrying balloons into South Korea: JCS
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un received Russian vice minister of defence Aleksey Krivoruchko and discussed the importance of the two countries' militaries to unite more firmly to defend world peace and justice, KCNA news agency said on Friday.2 μήνας Πριν
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un received Russian vice minister of defence Aleksey Krivoruchko and discussed the importance of the two countries' militaries to unite more firmly to defend world peace and justice, KCNA news agency said on Friday.
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South Korea slaps sanctions on Hong Kong shipping firm, North Korean cargo ship
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North Korean Foreign Ministry: We strongly condemn the recent NATO summit announcement
Senate defense policy bill calls for USFK troops maintenance, extended deterrence to South Korea
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North Korea appears to have released border dam water without prior notice
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NATO is 'not expanding' into Indo-Pacific: U.S. official
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ROK takes up leadership role in US-led naval exercise with eye on North Korea
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Pentagon announces $10 billion, multi-year plan to modernize tactical aircraft based in Japan to "bolster regional deterrence"Includes:-replacing 48 F-15C/Ds at Kadena Air Base with 36 F-15EXs-replacing 36 F-16s at Misawa AB with 48 F-35As
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North Korea announces the test of a new ballistic missile carrying a huge warhead
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North Korea launches ballistic missile towards the Sea of Japan(East Sea)
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North Korea condemns joint military exercise by South Korea, U.S., Japan
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North Korean News Agency: Pyongyang will protect regional peace with an "aggressive and overwhelming response"
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North Korea condemns the joint exercises between the United States, South Korea and Japan
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North Korea again launches suspected trash-carrying balloons toward South Korea: JCS
Russian Foreign Ministry: Washington, which chose confrontation over dialogue, bears full responsibility for the impasse in the settlement process around the Korean Peninsula. As a result, the situation is teetering on a dangerous edge2 μήνας Πριν
Russian Foreign Ministry: Washington, which chose confrontation over dialogue, bears full responsibility for the impasse in the settlement process around the Korean Peninsula. As a result, the situation is teetering on a dangerous edge
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PM says South Korea not at stage to consider nuclear armament 'for now'
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North Korea sends trash-carrying balloons for 2nd straight day
"3 theaters-Europe, the MiddleEast & the IndoPacific are increasingly intertwined" @DeputySecState Kurt Campbell tells @CFR_org "PRC, Russia, DPRK & Iran are increasing coordination&security cooperation.There are limits to these partnerships but they cannot be ignored"
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Firefighters find around 20 bodies at South Korea battery fire site, reports Yonhap
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Οι ΗΠΑ, η Κορέα (ROK) και η Ιαπωνία καταδικάζουν με τον πιο έντονο τρόπο την εμβάθυνση της στρατιωτικής συνεργασίας μεταξύ της ΛΔΚ και της Ρωσίας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των συνεχιζόμενων μεταφορών όπλων που παρατείνουν τα δεινά του ουκρανικού λαού, — Κοινή δήλωση
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Putin: Russia expects its cooperation with North Korea to be a "deterrent factor"
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Πούτιν: Δεν αποκλείουμε την προμήθεια όπλων υψηλής ακρίβειας στη Βόρεια Κορέα
Λευκός Οίκος: Η συμφωνία μεταξύ Βόρειας Κορέας και Ρωσίας δεν προκαλεί έκπληξη
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Η Νότια Κορέα λέει ότι οποιαδήποτε συνεργασία βοηθά τη στρατιωτική συσσώρευση της Βόρειας Κορέας συνιστά παραβίαση των ψηφισμάτων του ΣΑΗΕ
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Η Νότια Κορέα θα επανεξετάσει το ζήτημα της προμήθειας όπλων στην Ουκρανία: Προεδρικός αξιωματούχος
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South Korea seized a 2,900-ton cargo ship near the Korea Strait on Thursday on suspicion of violating U.N. Security Council (UNSC) sanctions against North Korea, sources said.
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South Korea voices regret over Russia-North Korea commitment to military technology cooperation
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Russian President Putin arrives in the Vietnamese capital after leaving Pyongyang