"Si ellos (Rusia/China/Corea del Norte/Irán) tienen éxito en Ucrania, nos hará más vulnerables y el mundo más peligroso", dice el jefe de la OTAN, @jensstltenberg. "Así que nuestro apoyo a Ucrania no es caridad; es por nuestro propio interés de seguridad".
8 mes atrásEl jefe de la OTAN, @jensstltenberg, después de las conversaciones con Blinken esta tarde: "La guerra de Rusia en Ucrania es un asalto brutal a una nación democrática pacífica. Esta guerra está apuntalada por China, Corea del Norte e Irán. Quieren que Estados Unidos fracase. "Quiero ver fracasar a la OTAN"
Kim Jong-un personally met Putin as he landed in Pyongyang
8 mes atrásEl Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia, en coordinación con los órganos y organizaciones federales pertinentes, ha firmado un Acuerdo de Asociación Estratégica Integral con Corea del Norte
Mine explosions have killed North Korean soldiers on the DMZ
Estados Unidos está "preocupado" por lazos más estrechos entre Rusia y Corea del Norte: Casa Blanca
8 mes atrásEl jefe de la OTAN dice que la cooperación entre Pyongyang y Moscú es motivo de creciente preocupación. "Hemos visto miles de contenedores cargados en vagones de ferrocarril en Corea del Norte y transportados directamente a Rusia, al frente en Ucrania, más de un millón de cartuchos de artillería", dijo.
Putin likely to visit North Korea 'in a few days': presidential office
Yonhap: North Korea is moving to install loudspeakers on the border to broadcast propaganda against Seoul
South Korea will resume today loudspeaker broadcasts at the border directed at North Korea in response to the resumption of the trash balloons
U.S. B-1B bomber holds bombing drills in South Korea: defense ministry
South Korea announces the suspension of the military agreement with North Korea
North Korea announces it will stop sending balloons filled with garbage to South Korea
Declaración conjunta: "Pedimos a la RPDC y a Rusia que pongan fin a las transferencias ilegales de armas e instamos a la RPDC a que adopte medidas concretas para abandonar todas las armas nucleares, misiles balísticos y programas relacionados de manera completa, verificable e irreversible".
South Korea urges North Korea to stop provocations, warns of painful measures that Pyongyang cannot endure
North Korea fired 18 KN-25 short-range guided ballistic missiles
U.S. condemns North Korea satellite, missile launches in 'strongest possible terms'
North Korea fires 10 short-range ballistic missiles into East Sea
North Korea says it tried new fuel in satellite launch that ended in fiery explosion
North Korea says satellite launch failed
North Korean projectile detected as debris in its waters: JCS
9 mes atrásNorth Korea rocket appears to have exploded just after the launch. A video footage filmed by Japanese NHK crew members dispatched to Dandong
North Korea launches ‘unidentified projectile’ from main spaceport: Seoul
North Korean carrier rocket spears to have exploded halfway through 1st stage burn, according to NHK crew filming in Dandong
North Korea fires unidentified projectile southward over Yellow Sea: South Korean military
The Japanese government has lifted its evacuation alert, saying a North Korean missile is not expected to fly toward the country
Japan's J-Alert early warning system said Monday that North Korea has apparently fired a missile and issued an evacuation order for residents in Okinawa Prefecture
Joint Chiefs of Staff: "North Korea launches unknown projectiles to the south of the West Sea"
South Korea, Japan, China reaffirm commitment to Korean Peninsula peace amid North Korea satellite plan
South Korea, China agree to establish diplomatic security dialogue