11 November 2024
Guterres stresses the need to adhere to international sanctions on North Korea after Putin and Kim's meeting
1 year ago
El Kremlin: Rússia reforçarà la seva cooperació amb Corea del Nord en diversos àmbits
Putin and Kim Jong-un met at the Vostochny Cosmodrome1 year ago
Putin and Kim Jong-un met at the Vostochny Cosmodrome
1 year ago
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un arrived at the Vostochny Cosmodrome to meet with Putin.
1 year ago
North Korea fires unspecified ballistic missile toward East Sea: South Korean military
Kim Jong Un ha arribat a Rússia
La Casa Blanca insta Corea del Nord a no proporcionar armes a Rússia
1 year ago
El líder nord-coreà Kim Jong-un visitarà Rússia en els propers dies per invitació de Putin, va dir el Kremlin.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's special train appears to have departed for Russia: gov't official
North Korea launch new missile submarine1 year ago
North Korea launch new missile submarine
1 year ago
Yoon says worsening of North Korea nuclear problem will only strengthen South Korea-U.S.-Japan cooperation: official
1 year ago
Yoon calls on China to play responsible role on North Korea issue: official
1 year ago
Yoon says attempts at defense cooperation with North Korea must be immediately stopped
Corea del Nord pagarà un preu si proporciona armes a Rússia: NSA Sullivan
Russian defense minister proposed holding joint naval exercise in recent meeting with North Korean leader: South Korean spy agency
1 year ago
The Kremlin: Russia seeks to develop relations with North Korea
La Casa Blanca diu que Rússia ha enviat delegacions a Corea del Nord per obtenir armament addicional, principalment artilleria, per a la guerra a Ucraïna. John Kirby, spox del NSC, diu que Putin i Kim Jong Un s'han intercanviat cartes sobre això, però es van negar a comentar com els EUA van obtenir la informació.
1 year ago
The #DPRK has launched a ballistic missile into the sea, according to the #ROK military. #Korea
1 year ago
North Korea says 2nd attempt to launch spy satellite fails: state media
1 year ago
Japan chief cabinet secretary Matsuno: these missile launches are a threat to not just Japan but also regional security. Japan chief cabinet secretary Matsuno: will soon convene national security committee meeting
1 year ago
Japanese TV warning people in Okinawa to seek shelter after North Korea launches missile
1 year ago
North Korea appears to have fired missile: Japan govt emergency broadcasting system
South Korean Prime Minister after "Camp David": We did not discuss the Fukushima reactor drainage crisis, but we hope for data transparency and dealing in accordance with the rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency
1 year ago
North Korea scrambled jets after US spy aircraft approached - KCNA
The White House: The United States is ready for denuclearization talks with North Korea without preconditions
1 year ago
La qüestió no és si hi haurà una guerra nuclear a la península de Corea, sinó qui la començarà i quan, va dir el ministre de Defensa de Corea del Nord, Kang Soon Nam, en una adreça als participants de la XI Conferència de Moscou sobre Seguretat Internacional.
1 year ago
Reuters, quoting a US official: The upcoming summit between Washington, Tokyo and Seoul will adopt a strong tone towards maintaining peace in the Taiwan Strait.
US, South Korea joint exercise UlchiFreedomShield announced - starts August 21. Also taking part: Australia, Canada, France, Britain, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand. Training will ensure the Alliance is ready to defend the Republic of Korea1 year ago
US, South Korea joint exercise #UlchiFreedomShield announced - starts August 21. Also taking part: Australia, Canada, France, Britain, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand. "Training will ensure the Alliance is ready to defend the Republic of Korea"
The North Korean leader dismisses the army's top general and calls for preparations for the possibility of war
Ucraïna: per primera vegada, la munició produïda per la RPDC va ser detectada en mans de l'exèrcit rus; recentment, els coets R-122 de 122 mm de Corea del Nord van començar a ser lliurats a les tripulacions russes del BM-21 Grad. Segons les imatges, gairebé totes les marques dels coets estaven desinfectades