14 مارس / آذار 2025
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North Korea leader Kim Jong-un inspects Hwasong-17 ICBM test launch: state media
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اليابان: إجراء مناورات عسكرية يابانية أمريكية ردا على إطلاق كوريا الشمالية صاروخا باليستيا
2 سنة منذ
جيش كوريا الجنوبية: إطلاق بيونغ يانغ للصواريخ خرق فاضح لقرارات مجلس الأمن
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North Korea fired an apparent intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) toward the East Sea on Friday, the South Korean military said. The JCS said it detected the launch from Sunan area in Pyongyang at 10:15 am local, without providing other details
The North Korea missile was launched around 1014 and appears to have come down around 1120 to the west of Hokkaido in Japan's EEZ, according to NHK TV quoting the Japanese government. If confirmed, it would be the 34th launch this year2 سنة منذ
The North Korea missile was launched around 1014 and appears to have come down around 1120 to the west of Hokkaido in Japan's EEZ, according to NHK TV quoting the Japanese government. If confirmed, it would be the 34th launch this year
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رئيس كوريا الجنوبية يؤكد لنظيره الصيني رغبته في بناء علاقة "ناضجة قائمة على تبادل المنفعة" بين البلدين
2 سنة منذ
بايدن: الولايات المتحدة ملتزمة بأمن حلفائها في شرق آسيا لمواجهة التحديات التي تمثلها كوريا الشمالية
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Police have started an investigation into Hamilton Hotel, which stands on one side of the alley where more than 150 people lost their lives in the deadly crowd crush in Itaewon, it said Wednesday
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North Korea's SRBM flew 290 km at apogee of 30 km at top speed of Mach 6: South Korean military
North Korean state media has released photos of its recent missile launches and artillery drills, including what appears to be a long-range ballistic missile and a previously unreported launch of a cruise missile.2 سنة منذ
North Korean state media has released photos of its recent missile launches and artillery drills, including what appears to be a long-range ballistic missile and a previously unreported launch of a cruise missile.
.@ROK_MND video shows two US Air Force B-1Bs, four F-35As, and four U.S. F-16s participating in Vigilant Storm aerial exercises today2 سنة منذ
.@ROK_MND video shows two US Air Force B-1Bs, four F-35As, and four U.S. F-16s participating in "Vigilant Storm" aerial exercises today
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Two B-1B U.S. strategic bombers stage joint drills with four South Korean F-35A fighter jets
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أ ف ب عن الجيش الكوري الجنوبي: كوريا الشمالية تطلق 4 صواريخ باليستية قصيرة المدى باتجاه البحر
2 سنة منذ
North Korean missiles flew some 130km at apogee of around 20km: South Korean military
A large part of the roof and exterior walls at a building in North Korea where ICBM can be launched from has been dismantled. It will likely lead to additional missile launches - Yonhap2 سنة منذ
A large part of the roof and exterior walls at a building in North Korea where ICBM can be launched from has been dismantled. It will likely lead to additional missile launches - Yonhap
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China and Russia accuses the U.S. and South Korea of provoking North Korea's recent missile launches - Yonhap
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مندوب فرنسا لدى الأمم المتحدة: هناك نشاط مستمر وتحضير لاختبار نووي سابع في كوريا الشمالية
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South Korea spots activation of more than 180 North Korean warplanes, responds with dispatch of stealth jets, South Korea's JCS
North Korea says US and South Korea made 'irrevocable and terrible' mistake by extending military exercises2 سنة منذ
North Korea says US and South Korea made 'irrevocable and terrible' mistake by extending military exercises
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South Korea's Minister of Defense: The daily advances of North Korea's nuclear and missile threats is a grave security challenge for the peace and stability of the international community. We have agreed to further strengthen the alliance capabilities and posture
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US secretary of defense: We are returning to large scale exercises to strengthen our combined readiness and our ability to fight tonight if necessary
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US secretary of defense: I have consulted with South Korea's minister of Defense and we have decided to extend the "vigilance storm" air force drills to further bolster our readiness
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North Korea says that the US and South Korea have made a very risky and wrong decision by extending air force drills, and both countries will come to know what a terrible mistake they have made - KCNA
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South Korea's military confirms that North Korea fired three SRBMs
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North Korea fires unspecified ballistic missile toward East Sea: South Korean military
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The North Korean missile has already fallen, confirms Japan's Coast Guard
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North Korean missile flew over Japanese territory: Japanese media
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North Korea fires unspecified ballistic missile toward East Sea: South Korean military
تتهم الولايات المتحدة كوريا الشمالية بتزويد روسيا سرا بعدد كبير من قذائف المدفعية لاستخدامها في حرب أوكرانيا ، من خلال جعلها تبدو كما لو أنها مرسلة إلى دول في الشرق الأوسط أو شمال إفريقيا ، بحسب كيربي التابع لمجلس الأمن القومي.
2 سنة منذ
جيش كوريا الجنوبية: كوريا الشمالية أطلقت 6 صواريخ أرض - جو